6. Changelog

KHIVA uses Semantic Versioning

6.1. Version 0.2.2

  • Join function for KHIVA arrays.
  • to_arrayfire and from_arrayfire functions.
  • KShape for double precision data.

6.2. Version 0.2.0

  • KMeans algorithm.
  • KShape Algorithm.
  • Added Ljung-Box test.
  • Installation script for Windows.
  • SBD distance function.
  • Header checks in all header files from core library and bindings.
  • Implementation improvement of stomp function and find motifs and discords functions.
  • Readme and installation Guide have been improved.
  • PAA method.
  • Crosscorrelation function to work with several time series.
  • Conan script to work with new conan version.
  • Documentation generator to work with new PIP version.
  • Cmake path for windows in installation guide.

6.3. Version 0.1.0

Added - Binding for Matlab. - Statistics namespace. - Features namespace. - Dimensionality namespace. - Polynomial namespace. - LinAlg namespace. - Normalization namespace. - Regression namespace. - Regularization namespace. - Support for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). - Documentation using breathe. - Async. memory management. - Operators for Khiva Arrays class for all bindings (Java, Python, C++, R)

Removed - Simplification namespace.

6.4. Version 0.0.1

Added - We have set Arrayfire as an abstraction layer to run on top of accelerators that are able to run OpenCL. - Implementation of STOMP method. - (Mueen’s Algorithm for Similarity Search) MASS algorithm implementation. - Implementation of Simplification algorithms (Visvalingam and PIP). - Benchmarks Suite (based on Google Benchmark). - Test Suite (Google Test). - New Features Algorithms. - Binding for Python, R, Java. - Matrix namespace. - Distances namespace. - Simplification namespace.