2.1. khiva

2.1.1. Submodules khiva.array

class khiva.array.Array(data=None, khiva_type=<dtype.f32: 0>, array_reference=None, arrayfire_reference=False)

Bases: object


Converts the array to a desired array with a desired type.

Parameters:dtype – The desired KHIVA data type.
Returns:An array with the desired data type.

Performs a deep copy of the array.

return: An identical copy of self.

classmethod from_arrayfire(arrayfire)

Creates a KHIVA array from an array of ArrayFire.

Parameters:arrayfire – An ArrayFire array.
Returns:a KHIVA array.

Gets a desired column.

Parameters:index – Index of the desired column.
Returns:The desired column.
get_cols(first, last)

Gets a sequence of columns using the first column index and the last column index, both columns included.

  • first – First column of the subsequence of columns.
  • last – Last column of the subsequence of columns.

A subsequence of columns between ‘first’ and ‘last’.


Gets the dimensions of the KHIVA array.

Returns:The dimensions of the KHIVA array.

Gets a desired row.

Parameters:index – Index of the desired row.
Returns:The desired row.
get_rows(first, last)

Gets a sequence of rows using the first row index and the last row index, both rows included.

  • first – First row of the subsequence of rows.
  • last – Last row of the subsequence of rows.

A subsequence of rows between ‘first’ and ‘last’.


Gets the type of the KHIVA array.

Returns:The type of the KHIVA array.

Matrix multiplication.

Parameters:other – KHIVA Array
Returns:The matrix multiplication between these two KHIVA Arrays.

Prints the data stored in the KHIVA array.


Creates an Arrayfire array from this KHIVA array. This need to be used carefully as the same array reference is oging to be used by both of them. Once the Arrayfire array is created, the destructor of the KHIVA array is not going to free the allocated array.

Returns:an Arrayfire Array

Converts the KHIVA array to a list.

Returns:KHIVA array converted to list.

Converts the KHIVA array to a numpy array.

Returns:KHIVA array converted to numpy.array.

Converts the KHIVA array to a pandas data frame.

Returns:KHIVA array converted to a pandas data frame.

Transpose the KHIVA Array.

Parameters:conjugate – Indicates if the transpose is conjugated or not.
Returns:The transposed KHIVA Array.
class khiva.array.dtype

Bases: enum.Enum

KHIVA array available types.

b8 = 4

Boolean. khiva.dtype

c32 = 1

32 bits Complex. khiva.dtype

c64 = 3

64 bits Complex. khiva.dtype

f32 = 0

Float. khiva.dtype

f64 = 2

64 bits Double. khiva.dtype

s16 = 10

16 bits Int. khiva.dtype

s32 = 5

32 bits Int. khiva.dtype

s64 = 8

64 bits Integer. khiva.dtype

u16 = 11

16 bits Unsigned int. khiva.dtype

u32 = 6

32 bits Unsigned Int. khiva.dtype

u64 = 9

64 bits Unsigned Int. khiva.dtype

u8 = 7

8 bits Unsigned Int. khiva.dtype khiva.dimensionality

khiva.dimensionality.paa(a, bins)

Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA) approximates a time series \(X\) of length \(n\) into vector \(\bar{X}=(\bar{x}_{1},…,\bar{x}_{M})\) of any arbitrary length \(M \leq n\) where each of \(\bar{x_{i}}\) is calculated as follows:

\[\bar{x}_{i} = \frac{M}{n} \sum_{j=n/M(i-1)+1}^{(n/M)i} x_{j}.\]

Which simply means that in order to reduce the dimensionality from \(n\) to \(M\), we first divide the original time series into \(M\) equally sized frames and secondly compute the mean values for each frame. The sequence assembled from the mean values is the PAA approximation (i.e., transform) of the original time series.

  • a – Set of points.
  • bins – Sets the total number of divisions.

KHIVA array of points with the reduced dimensionality.

khiva.dimensionality.pip(a, number_ips)

Calculates the number of Perceptually Important Points (PIP) in the time series.

[1] Fu TC, Chung FL, Luk R, and Ng CM. Representing financial time series based on data point importance. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21(2):277-300, 2008.

  • a – KHIVA array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series.
  • number_ips – The number of points to be returned.

KHIVA array with the most Perceptually Important number_ips.

khiva.dimensionality.pla_bottom_up(ts, max_error)

Applies the Piecewise Linear Approximation (PLA BottomUP) to the time series.

[1] Zhu Y, Wu D, Li Sh (2007). A Piecewise Linear Representation Method of Time Series Based on Feature Points. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 4693:1066-1072.

  • ts – Expects a khiva array containing the set of points to be reduced. The first component of the points in the first column and the second component of the points in the second column.
  • max_error – The maximum approximation error allowed.

The reduced number of points.

khiva.dimensionality.pla_sliding_window(ts, max_error)

Applies the Piecewise Linear Approximation (PLA Sliding Window) to the time series.

[1] Zhu Y, Wu D, Li Sh (2007). A Piecewise Linear Representation Method of Time Series Based on Feature Points. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 4693:1066-1072.

  • ts – Expects a khiva array containing the set of points to be reduced. The first component of the points in the first column and the second component of the points in the second column.
  • max_error – The maximum approximation error allowed.

The reduced number of points.

khiva.dimensionality.ramer_douglas_peucker(a, epsilon)

The Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm (RDP) is an algorithm for reducing the number of points in a curve that is approximated by a series of points. It reduces a set of points depending on the perpendicular distance of the points and epsilon, the greater epsilon, more points are deleted.

[1] Urs Ramer, “An iterative procedure for the polygonal approximation of plane curves”, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 1(3), 244–256 (1972) doi:10.1016/S0146-664X(72)80017-0.

[2] David Douglas & Thomas Peucker, “Algorithms for the reduction of the number of points required to represent a digitized line or its caricature”, The Canadian Cartographer 10(2), 112–122 (1973) doi:10.3138/FM57-6770-U75U-7727

  • a – KHIVA array with the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the input points (x in column 0 and y in column 1).
  • epsilon – It acts as the threshold value to decide which points should be considered meaningful or not.

KHIVA array with the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the selected points (x in column 0 and y in column 1).

khiva.dimensionality.sax(a, alphabet_size)

Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX). It transforms a numeric time series into a time series of symbols with the same size. The algorithm was proposed by Lin et al.) and extends the PAA-based approach inheriting the original algorithm simplicity and low computational complexity while providing satisfactory sensitivity and selectivity in range query processing. Moreover, the use of a symbolic representation opened a door to the existing wealth of data-structures and string-manipulation algorithms in computer science such as hashing, regular expression, pattern matching, suffix trees, and grammatical inference.

[1] Lin, J., Keogh, E., Lonardi, S. & Chiu, B. (2003) A Symbolic Representation of Time Series, with Implications for Streaming Algorithms. In proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. San Diego, CA. June 13.

  • a – KHIVA array with the input time series.
  • alphabet_size – Number of element within the alphabet.

KHIVA array of points with the reduced dimensionality.

khiva.dimensionality.visvalingam(a, num_points)

Reduces a set of points by applying the Visvalingam method (minimun triangle area) until the number of points is reduced to numPoints.

[1] M. Visvalingam and J. D. Whyatt, Line generalisation by repeated elimination of points, The Cartographic Journal, 1993.

  • a – KHIVA array with the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the input points (x in column 0 and y in column 1).
  • num_points – Sets the number of points returned after the execution of the method.

KHIVA array with the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the selected points (x in column 0 and y in column 1). khiva.distances


Calculates the Dynamic Time Warping Distance.

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
Returns:Array with an upper triangular matrix where each position corresponds to the distance between two time series. Diagonal elements will be zero. For example: Position row 0 column 1 records the distance between time series 0 and time series 1.

Calculates euclidean distances between time series.

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
Returns:Array with an upper triangular matrix where each position corresponds to the distance between two time series. Diagonal elements will be zero. For example: Position row 0 column 1 records the distance between time series 0 and time series 1.

Calculates Hamming distances between time series.

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
Returns:Array with an upper triangular matrix where each position corresponds to the distance between two time series. Diagonal elements will be zero. For example: Position row 0 column 1 records the distance between time series 0 and time series 1.

Calculates Manhattan distances between time series.

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
Returns:Array with an upper triangular matrix where each position corresponds to the distance between two time series. Diagonal elements will be zero. For example: Position row 0 column 1 records the distance between time series 0 and time series 1.

Calculates the non squared version of the euclidean distance.

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
Returns:Array with an upper triangular matrix where each position corresponds to the distance between two time series. Diagonal elements will be zero. For example: Position row 0 column 1 records the distance between time series 0 and time series 1. khiva.features


Calculates the sum over the square values of the time series.

Parameters:arr (khiva.array) – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the absEnergy.

Calculates the value of an aggregation function f_agg (e.g. var or mean) of the autocorrelation (Compare to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocorrelation#Estimation), taken over different all possible lags (1 to length of x)

Parameters:arr (khiva.array) – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the absolute sum of changes.
khiva.features.aggregated_autocorrelation(arr, aggregation_function)

Calculates a linear least-squares regression for values of the time series that were aggregated over chunks versus the sequence from 0 up to the number of chunks minus one.

  • arr – A KHIVA array with the time series.
  • aggregation_function – Function to be used in the aggregation. It receives an integer which indicates the function to be applied. 0 : mean, 1 : median 2 : min, 3 : max, 4 : stdev, 5 : var, default : mean

KHIVA array that contains the aggregated correlation for each time series.

khiva.features.aggregated_linear_trend(arr, chunk_size, aggregation_function)

Calculates a linear least-squares regression for values of the time series that were aggregated over chunks versus the sequence from 0 up to the number of chunks minus one.

  • arr – A KHIVA array with the time series.
  • chunk_size – The chunk size used to aggregate the data.
  • aggregation_function – Function to be used in the aggregation. It receives an integer which indicates the function to be applied: 0 : mean, 1 : median 2 : min, 3 : max, 4 : stdev, default : mean

( pvalue: KHIVA array with the pvalues for all time series. rvalue: KHIVA array with the rvalues for all time series. intercept: KHIVA array with the intercept values for all time series. slope: KHIVA array with the slope for all time series. stdrr: KHIVA array with the stderr values for all time series. )

khiva.features.approximate_entropy(arr, m, r)

Calculates a vectorized Approximate entropy algorithm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximate_entropy For short time-series this method is highly dependent on the parameters, but should be stable for N > 2000, see: Yentes et al. (2012) - The Appropriate Use of Approximate Entropy and Sample Entropy with Short Data Sets Other shortcomings and alternatives discussed in: Richman & Moorman (2000) - Physiological time-series analysis using approximate entropy and sample entropy

  • arr – A KHIVA array with the time series.
  • m – Length of compared run of data.
  • r – Filtering level, must be positive.

KHIVA array with the vectorized approximate entropy for all the input time series in tss.

khiva.features.auto_correlation(arr, max_lag, unbiased)

Calculates the autocorrelation of the specified lag for the given time series.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • max_lag – The maximum lag to compute.
  • unbiased – Determines whether it divides by n - lag (if true) or n (if false).

KHIVA array with the autocorrelation value for the given time series.

khiva.features.auto_covariance(arr, unbiased=False)

Calculates the auto-covariance the given time series.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • unbiased – Determines whether it divides by n - lag (if true) or n (if false).

KHIVA array with the auto-covariance value for the given time series.

khiva.features.binned_entropy(arr, max_bins)

Calculates the binned entropy for the given time series and number of bins.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • max_bins – The number of bins.

KHIVA array with the binned entropy value for the given time series.

khiva.features.c3(arr, lag)

Calculates the Schreiber, T. and Schmitz, A. (1997) measure of non-linearity for the given time series

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • lag – The lag.

KHIVA array with non-linearity value for the given time series.

khiva.features.cid_ce(arr, z_normalize)

Calculates an estimate for the time series complexity defined by Batista, Gustavo EAPA, et al (2014). (A more complex time series has more peaks, valleys, etc.)

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • z_normalize – Controls wheter the time series should be z-normalized or not.

KHIVA array with the complexity value for the given time series.


Calculates the number of values in the time series that are higher than the mean.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the number of values in the time series that are higher than the mean.

Calculates the number of values in the time series that are lower than the mean.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA Array with the number of values in the time series that are lower than the mean.
khiva.features.cross_correlation(xss, yss, unbiased)

Calculates the cross-correlation of the given time series.

  • xss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • yss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • unbiased – Determines whether it divides by n - lag (if true) or n (if false).

KHIVA array with cross-correlation value for the given time series.

khiva.features.cross_covariance(xss, yss, unbiased)

Calculates the cross-covariance of the given time series.

  • xss – A KHIVA array with time series.
  • yss – A KHIVA Array with time series.
  • unbiased – Determines whether it divides by n - lag (if true) or n (if false).

KHIVA array with the cross-covariance value for the given time series.

khiva.features.cwt_coefficients(tss, widths, coeff, w)

Calculates a Continuous wavelet transform for the Ricker wavelet, also known as the “Mexican hat wavelet”.

  • tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • widths – Widths. It accepts a list of lists or a numpy array with one or several widths.
  • coeff – Coefficient of interest.
  • w – Width of interest.

KHIVA Array with the result of calculated coefficients.

khiva.features.energy_ratio_by_chunks(arr, num_segments, segment_focus)

Calculates the sum of squares of chunk i out of N chunks expressed as a ratio with the sum of squares over the whole series. segmentFocus should be lower than the number of segments.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • num_segments – The number of segments to divide the series into.
  • segment_focus – The segment number (starting at zero) to return a feature on.

KHIVA array with the energy ratio by chunk of the time series.


Calculates the spectral centroid(mean), variance, skew, and kurtosis of the absolute fourier transform spectrum.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the spectral centroid (mean), variance, skew, and kurtosis of the absolute fourier transform spectrum.
khiva.features.fft_coefficient(arr, coefficient)

Calculates the fourier coefficients of the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform for real input by fast fourier transformation algorithm.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • coefficient – The coefficient to extract from the FFT.

Tuple with: real: KHIVA array with the real part of the coefficient. imag: KHIVA array with the imaginary part of the coefficient. abs: KHIVA array with the absolute value of the coefficient. angle: KHIVA array with the angle of the coefficient.


Calculates the first relative location of the maximal value for each time series.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the first relative location of the maximum value to the length of the time series, for each time series.

Calculates the first location of the minimal value of each time series. The position is calculated relatively to the length of the series.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the first relative location of the minimal value of each series.
khiva.features.friedrich_coefficients(arr, m, r)

Coefficients of polynomial \(h(x)\), which has been fitted to the deterministic dynamics of Langevin model: Largest fixed point of dynamics \(argmax_x {h(x)=0}\) estimated from polynomial \(h(x)\), which has been fitted to the deterministic dynamics of Langevin model:

\[\dot(x)(t) = h(x(t)) + R \mathcal(N)(0,1)\]

as described by [1]. For short time series this method is highly dependent on the parameters.

[1] Friedrich et al. (2000): Physics Letters A 271, p. 217-222 Extracting model equations from experimental data.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • m – Order of polynom to fit for estimating fixed points of dynamics.
  • r – Number of quantiles to use for averaging.

KHIVA array with the coefficients for each time seriess.


Calculates if the maximum within input time series is duplicated.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array containing True if the maximum value of the time series is duplicated and false otherwise.

Calculates if the minimum of the input time series is duplicated.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array containing True if the minimum of the time series is duplicated and False otherwise.

Calculates if the input time series contain duplicated elements.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array containing True if the time series contains duplicated elements and false otherwise.
khiva.features.index_mass_quantile(arr, q)

Calculates the index of the mass quantile.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • q – The quantile.

KHIVA array with the index of the mass quantile q.


Returns the kurtosis of tss (calculated with the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient G2).

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the kurtosis of each time series.
khiva.features.large_standard_deviation(arr, r)

Checks if the time series within tss have a large standard deviation.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • r – The threshold.

KHIVA array containing True for those time series in tss that have a large standard deviation.


Calculates the last location of the maximum value of each time series. The position is calculated relatively to the length of the series.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the last relative location of the maximum value of each series.

Calculates the last location of the minimum value of each time series. The position is calculated relatively to the length of the series.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array the last relative location of the minimum value of each series.

Returns the length of the input time series.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array the length of tss.

Calculate a linear least-squares regression for the values of the time series versus the sequence from 0 to length of the time series minus one.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Return a tuple with:
 pvalue: KHIVA array the pvalues for all time series. rvalue: KHIVA array The rvalues for all time series. intercept: KHIVA array the intercept values for all time series. slope: KHIVA array the slope for all time series. stdrr: KHIVA array the stderr values for all time series.

Calculates all Local Maximals fot the time series in array.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the calculated local maximals for each time series in arr.

Calculates the length of the longest consecutive subsequence in tss that is bigger than the mean of tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the length of the longest consecutive subsequence in the input time series that is bigger than the mean.

Calculates the length of the longest consecutive subsequence in tss that is below the mean of tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the length of the longest consecutive subsequence in the input time series that is below the mean.
khiva.features.max_langevin_fixed_point(arr, m, r)

Largest fixed point of dynamics \(argmax_x {h(x)=0}\) estimated from polynomial \(h(x)\), which has been fitted to the deterministic dynamics of Langevin model

\[\dot(x)(t) = h(x(t)) + R \mathcal(N)(0,1)\]

as described by

Friedrich et al. (2000): Physics Letters A 271, p. 217-222 Extracting model equations from experimental data
  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • m – Order of polynom to fit for estimating fixed points of dynamics.
  • r – Number of quantiles to use for averaging.

KHIVA array with the largest fixed point of deterministic dynamics.


Calculates the maximum value for each time series within tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the maximum value of each time series within tss.

Calculates the mean value for each time series within tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the mean value of each time series within tss.

Calculates the mean over the absolute differences between subsequent time series values in tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the mean over the absolute differences between subsequent time series values.

Calculates the mean over the differences between subsequent time series values in tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the mean over the differences between subsequent time series values.

Calculates mean value of a central approximation of the second derivative for each time series in tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the mean value of a central approximation of the second derivative for each time series.

Calculates the median value for each time series within tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the median value of each time series within tss.

Calculates the minimum value for each time series within tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the minimum value of each time series within tss.
khiva.features.number_crossing_m(arr, m)

Calculates the number of m-crossings. A m-crossing is defined as two sequential values where the first value is lower than m and the next is greater, or viceversa. If you set m to zero, you will get the number of zero crossings.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • m – The m value.

KHIVA array with the number of m-crossings of each time series within tss.

khiva.features.number_cwt_peaks(arr, max_w)

This feature calculator searches for different peaks. To do so, the time series is smoothed by a ricker wavelet and for widths ranging from 1 to :math:’max_w`. This feature calculator returns the number of peaks that occur at enough width scales and with sufficiently high Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR).

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • max_w – The maximum width to consider.

KHIVA array with the number of peaks for each time series.

khiva.features.number_peaks(arr, n)

Calculates the number of peaks of at least support \(n\) in the time series \(tss\). A peak of support \(n\) is defined as a subsequence of \(tss where a value occurs, which is bigger than its :math:`n\) neighbours to the left and to the right.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • n – The support of the peak.

KHIVA array with the number of peaks of at least support \(n\).

khiva.features.partial_autocorrelation(arr, lags)

Calculates the value of the partial autocorrelation function at the given lag. The lag \(k'\) partial autocorrelation of a time series \(\lbrace x_t, t = 1 \ldots T \rbrace\) equals the partial correlation of \(x_t\) and \(x_{t-k}\), adjusted for the intermediate variables \(\lbrace x_{t-1}, \ldots, x_{t-k+1}\rbrace\) ([1]). Following [2], it can be defined as:

\[\alpha_k = \frac{ Cov(x_t, x_{t-k} | x_{t-1}, \ldots, x_{t-k+1})} {\sqrt{ Var(x_t | x_{t-1}, \ldots, x_{t-k+1}) Var(x_{t-k} | x_{t-1}, \ldots, x_{t-k+1} )}}\]

with (a) \(x_t = f(x_{t-1}, \ldots, x_{t-k+1})\) and (b) \(x_{t-k} = f(x_{t-1}, \ldots, x_{t-k+1})\) being AR(k-1) models that can be fitted by OLS. Be aware that in (a), the regression is done on past values to predict \(x_t\) whereas in (b), future values are used to calculate the past value \(x_{t-k}\). It is said in [1] that “for an AR(p), the partial autocorrelations \(\alpha_k\) will be nonzero for \(k<=p\) and zero for \(k>p\).” With this property, it is used to determine the lag of an AR-Process.

[1] Box, G. E., Jenkins, G. M., Reinsel, G. C., & Ljung, G. M. (2015). Time series analysis: forecasting and control. John Wiley & Sons. [2] https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat510/node/62

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • lags – KHIVA array with the lags to be calculated.

KHIVA array with the partial autocorrelation for each time series for the given lag.

khiva.features.percentage_of_reoccurring_datapoints_to_all_datapoints(arr, is_sorted)

Calculates the percentage of unique values, that are present in the time series more than once.

\[len(different values occurring more than once) / len(different values)\]

This means the percentage is normalized to the number of unique values, in contrast to the percentage_of_reoccurring_values_to_all_values.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • is_sorted – Indicates if the input time series is sorted or not. Defaults to false.

KHIVA array with the percentage of unique values, that are present in the time series more than once.

khiva.features.percentage_of_reoccurring_values_to_all_values(arr, is_sorted)

Calculates the percentage of unique values, that are present in the time series more than once.

\[\frac{\textit{number of data points occurring more than once}}{\textit{number of all data points})}\]

This means the percentage is normalized to the number of unique values, in contrast to the percentage_of_reoccurring_datapoints_to_all_datapoints.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • is_sorted – Indicates if the input time series is sorted or not. Defaults to false.

KHIVA array with the percentage of unique values, that are present in the time series more than once.

khiva.features.quantile(arr, q, precision=100000000.0)

Returns values at the given quantile.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • q – Khiva array with the percentile(s) at which to extract score(s). One or many.
  • precision – Number of decimals expected.

Values at the given quantile.

khiva.features.range_count(arr, min, max)

Counts observed values within the interval [min, max).

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • min – Value that sets the lower limit.
  • max – Value that sets the upper limit.

KHIVA array with the values at the given range.

khiva.features.ratio_beyond_r_sigma(arr, r)

Calculates the ratio of values that are more than \(r*std(x)\) (so \(r\) sigma) away from the mean of \(x\).

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • r – Number of times that the values should be away from.

KHIVA array with the ratio of values that are more than \(r*std(x)\) (so \(r\) sigma) away from the mean of \(x\).


Calculates a factor which is 1 if all values in the time series occur only once, and below one if this is not the case. In principle, it just returns:

\[\frac{\textit{number unique values}}{\textit{number values}}\]
Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the ratio of unique values with respect to the total number of values.

Calculates a vectorized sample entropy algorithm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample_entropy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10843903?dopt=Abstract For short time-series this method is highly dependent on the parameters, but should be stable for N > 2000, see: Yentes et al. (2012) - The Appropriate Use of Approximate Entropy and Sample Entropy with Short Data Sets Other shortcomings and alternatives discussed in: Richman & Moorman (2000) - Physiological time-series analysis using approximate entropy and sample entropy.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the same dimensions as tss, whose values (time series in dimension 0) contains the vectorized sample entropy for all the input time series in tss.

Calculates the sample skewness of tss (calculated with the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient G1).

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array containing the skewness of each time series in tss.
khiva.features.spkt_welch_density(arr, coeff)

Estimates the cross power spectral density of the time series array at different frequencies. To do so, the time series is first shifted from the time domain to the frequency domain.

Welch’s method computes an estimate of the power spectral density by dividing the data into overlapping segments, computing a modified periodogram for each segment and averaging the periodograms. [1] P. Welch, “The use of the fast Fourier transform for the estimation of power spectra: A method based on time averaging over short, modified periodograms”, IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust. vol. 15, pp. 70-73, 1967. [2] M.S. Bartlett, “Periodogram Analysis and Continuous Spectra”, Biometrika, vol. 37, pp. 1-16, 1950. [3] Rabiner, Lawrence R., and B. Gold. “Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing” Prentice-Hall, pp. 414-419, 1975.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • coeff – The coefficient to be returned.

KHIVA array containing the power spectrum of the different frequencies for each time series in arr.


Calculates the standard deviation of each time series within tss.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the standard deviation of each time series within tss.
khiva.features.sum_of_reoccurring_datapoints(arr, is_sorted=False)

Calculates the sum of all data points, that are present in the time series more than once.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • is_sorted – Indicates if the input time series is sorted or not. Defaults to false.

KHIVA array with the sum of all data points, that are present in the time series more than once.

khiva.features.sum_of_reoccurring_values(arr, is_sorted=False)

Calculates the sum of all values, that are present in the time series more than once.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • is_sorted – Indicates if the input time series is sorted or not. Defaults to false.

KHIVA array with the sum of all values, that are present in the time series more than once.


Calculates the sum over the time series arr.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • is_sorted – Indicates if the input time series is sorted or not. Defaults to false.

KHIVA array with the sum of values in each time series.

khiva.features.symmetry_looking(arr, r)

Calculates if the distribution of tss looks symmetric. This is the case if

\[| mean(tss)-median(tss)| < r * (max(tss)-min(tss))\]
  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • r – The percentage of the range to compare with.

KHIVA array denoting if the input time series look symmetric.

khiva.features.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(arr, lag)

This function calculates the value of:

\[\frac{1}{n-2lag} \sum_{i=0}^{n-2lag} x_{i + 2 \cdot lag}^2 \cdot x_{i + lag} - x_{i + lag} \cdot x_{i}^2\]

which is

\[\mathbb{E}[L^2(X)^2 \cdot L(X) - L(X) \cdot X^2]\]

where \(\mathbb{E}\) is the mean and \(L\) is the lag operator. It was proposed in [1] as a promising feature to extract from time series.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • lag – The lag to be computed.

KHIVA array containing the count of the given value in each time series.

khiva.features.value_count(arr, v)

Counts occurrences of value in the time series tss.

  • arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • v – The value to be counted.

KHIVA array containing the count of the given value in each time series.


Computes the variance for the time series array.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array containing the variance in each time series.

Calculates if the variance of array is greater than the standard deviation. In other words, if the variance of array is larger than 1.

Parameters:arr – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array denoting if the variance of array is greater than the standard deviation. khiva.library

class khiva.library.KHIVABackend

Bases: enum.Enum

KHIVA Backend.


CPU Backend.


CUDA Backend.


Default Backend.


OPENCL Backend.

class khiva.library.KhivaLibrary

Bases: object

instance = None

Get the active backend.

Returns:The active backend. KHIVABackend type.

Get the available backends.

Returns:The available backends.

Get the devices count.

Returns:The devices count.

Get the active device.

Returns:The active device.

Get the devices info.


Set the KHIVABackend.

Parameters:backend – The desired backend. KHIVABackend type.

Set the device.

Parameters:device – The desired device.

Returns a string with the current version of the library.

Returns:A string with the current version of the library. khiva.linalg

khiva.linalg.lls(a, b)

Calculates the minimum norm least squares solution \(x\) \((||A·x - b||^2)\) to \(A·x = b\). This function uses the singular value decomposition function of Arrayfire. The actual formula that this function computes is \(x = V·D\dagger·U^T·b\). Where \(U\) and \(V\) are orthogonal matrices and \(D\dagger\) contains the inverse values of the singular values contained in \(D\) if they are not zero, and zero otherwise.

  • a – KHIVA array with the coefficients of the linear equation problem to solve. It accepts a list of lists or a numpy array with one or several time series.
  • b – KHIVA array with the measured values.

KHIVA array with the solution to the linear equation problem minimizing the norm 2. khiva.matrix

khiva.matrix.find_best_n_discords(profile, index, n)

This function extracts the best N motifs from a previously calculated matrix profile.

  • profile – KHIVA array with the matrix profile containing the minimum distance of each subsequence.
  • index – KHIVA array with the matrix profile index containing where each minimum occurs.
  • n – Number of discords to extract.

KHIVA arrays with the discord distances, the discord indices and the subsequence indices.

khiva.matrix.find_best_n_motifs(profile, index, n)

This function extracts the best N discords from a previously calculated matrix profile.

  • profile – KHIVA array with the matrix profile containing the minimum distance of each subsequence.
  • index – KHIVA array with the matrix profile index containing where each minimum occurs.
  • n – Number of motifs to extract.

KHIVA arrays with the motif distances, the motif indices and the subsequence indices.

khiva.matrix.stomp(first_time_series, second_time_series, subsequence_length)

Stomp algorithm to calculate the matrix profile between ta and tb using a subsequence length of m.

  • first_time_series – KHIVA array with the first time series.
  • second_time_series – KHIVA array with the second time series.
  • subsequence_length – Length of the subsequence.

KHIVA arrays with the profile and index.

khiva.matrix.stomp_self_join(time_series, subsequence_length)

Stomp algorithm to calculate the matrix profile between t and itself using a subsequence length of m. This method filters the trivial matches.

  • time_series – The query and reference time series in KHIVA array format.
  • subsequence_length – Lenght of the subsequence

KHIVA arrays with the profile and index. khiva.normalization


Normalizes the given time series according to its maximum value and adjusts each value within the range (-1, 1).

Parameters:tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:KHIVA array with the same dimensions as tss, whose values (time series in dimension 0) have been normalized by dividing each number by :math::10^j , where j is the number of integer digits of the max number in the time series.`

Same as decimal_scaling_norm, but it performs the operation in place, without allocating further memory.

Parameters:tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
khiva.normalization.max_min_norm(tss, high=1.0, low=0.0, epsilon=1e-08)

Normalizes the given time series according to its minimum and maximum value and adjusts each value within the range [low, high].

  • tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • high – Maximum final value (Defaults to 1.0).
  • low – Minimum final value (Defaults to 0.0).
  • epsilon – Safeguard for constant (or near constant) time series as the operation implies a unit scale operation between min and max values in the tss.

KHIVA array with the same dimensions as tss where the time series have been adjusted for zero mean and one as standard deviation.

khiva.normalization.max_min_norm_in_place(tss, high=1.0, low=0.0, epsilon=1e-08)

Same as max_min_norm, but it performs the operation in place, without allocating further memory.

  • tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • high – Maximum final value (Defaults to 1.0).
  • low – Minimum final value (Defaults to 0.0).
  • epsilon – Safeguard for constant (or near constant) time series as the operation implies a unit scale operation between min and max values in the tss.

Normalizes the given time series according to its maximum-minimum value and its mean. It follows the following formulae:

\[\acute{x} = frac{x - mean(x)}{max(x) - min(x)}.\]
Parameters:tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
Returns:An array with the same dimensions as tss, whose values (time series in dimension 0) have been normalized by substracting the mean from each number and dividing each number by \(max(x) - min(`x)\), in the time series.

Normalizes the given time series according to its maximum-minimum value and its mean. It follows the following formulae:

Parameters:tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
khiva.normalization.znorm(tss, epsilon=1e-08)

Calculates a new set of time series with zero mean and standard deviation one.

  • tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • epsilon – Minimum standard deviation to consider. It acts as a gatekeeper for those time series that may be constant or near constant.

KHIVA array with the same dimensions as tss where the time series have been adjusted for zero mean and one as standard deviation.

khiva.normalization.znorm_in_place(tss, epsilon=1e-08)

Adjusts the time series in the given input and performs z-norm in place (without allocating further memory).

  • tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • epsilon – epsilon Minimum standard deviation to consider. It acts as a gatekeeper for those time series that may be constant or near constant. khiva.polynomial

khiva.polynomial.polyfit(x, y, deg)

Least squares polynomial fit. Fit a polynomial \(p(x) = p[0] * x^{deg} + ... + p[deg]\) of degree \(deg\) to points \((x, y)\). Returns a vector of coefficients \(p\) that minimises the squared error.

  • x – KHIVA array with the x-coordinates of the M sample points \((x[i], y[i])\).
  • y – KHIVA array with the y-coordinates of the sample points.
  • deg – Degree of the fitting polynomial

KHIVA array with the polynomial coefficients, highest power first.


Calculates the roots of a polynomial with coefficients given in \(p\). The values in the rank-1 array \(p\) are coefficients of a polynomial. If the length of \(p\) is \(n+1\) then the polynomial is described by:

\[p[0] * x^n + p[1] * x^{n-1} + ... + p[n-1] * x + p[n]\]
Parameters:p – KHIVA array with the polynomial coefficients.
Returns:KHIVA array with the roots of the polynomial. khiva.regression

khiva.regression.linear(xss, yss)

Calculates a linear least-squares regression for two sets of measurements. Both arrays should have the same length.

  • xss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
  • yss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.

slope Slope of the regression line. intercept Intercept of the regression line. rvalue Correlation coefficient. pvalue Two-sided p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is that the slope is zero, using Wald Test with t-distribution of the test statistic. stderrest Standard error of the estimated gradient. khiva.regularization

khiva.regularization.group_by(tss, aggregation_function, n_columns_key=1, n_columns_value=1)

Group by operation in the input array using n_columns_key columns as group keys and n_columns_value columns as values. The data is expected to be sorted. The aggregation function determines the operation to aggregate the values.

  • tss – KHIVA array with the time series.
  • aggregation_function – Function to be used in the aggregation. It receives an integer which indicates the function to be applied. 0 : mean, 1 : median 2 : min, 3 : max, 4 : stdev, 5 : var, default : mean
  • n_columns_key – Number of columns conforming the key.
  • n_columns_value – Number of columns conforming the value (they are expected to be consecutive to the column keys).

KHIVA array with the values of the group keys aggregated using the aggregation_function. khiva.statistics

khiva.statistics.covariance(tss, unbiased=False)

Returns the covariance matrix of the time series contained in tss.

  • tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
  • unbiased – Determines whether it divides by n - 1 (if false) or n (if true).

The covariance matrix of the time series.


Returns the kurtosis of tss (calculated with the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient G2).

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
Returns:The kurtosis of tss.
khiva.statistics.ljung_box(tss, lags)

The Ljung–Box test checks that data whithin the time series are independently distributed (i.e. the correlations in the population from which the sample is taken are 0, so that any observed correlations in the data result from randomness of the sampling process). Data are no independently distributed, if they exhibit serial correlation. The test statistic is:

\[Q = n\left(n+2\right)\sum_{k=1}^h\frac{\hat{\rho}^2_k}{n-k}\]

where \(n\) is the sample size, \(\hat{\rho}k\) is the sample autocorrelation at lag \(k\), and \(h\) is the number of lags being tested. Under \(H_0\) the statistic Q follows a \(\chi^2{(h)}\). For significance level \(\alpha\), the \(critical region\) for rejection of the hypothesis of randomness is:

\[Q > \chi_{1-\alpha,h}^2\]

where \(\chi_{1-\alpha,h}^2\) is the \(\alpha\)-quantile of the chi-squared distribution with \(h\) degrees of freedom.

[1] G. M. Ljung G. E. P. Box (1978). On a measure of lack of fit in time series models. Biometrika, Volume 65, Issue 2, 1 August 1978, Pages 297–303.

  • tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
  • lags – Number of lags being tested.

Array containing the Ljung-Box statistic test.

khiva.statistics.moment(tss, k)

Returns the kth moment of the given time series.

  • tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
  • k – The specific moment to be calculated.

The kth moment of the given time series.

khiva.statistics.quantile(tss, q, precision=100000000.0)

Returns values at the given quantile.

  • tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series. NOTE: the time series should be sorted.
  • q – Percentile(s) at which to extract score(s). One or many.
  • precision – Number of decimals expected.

Values at the given quantile.

khiva.statistics.quantiles_cut(tss, quantiles, precision=1e-08)

Discretizes the time series into equal-sized buckets based on sample quantiles.

  • tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series. NOTE: the time series should be sorted.
  • quantiles – Number of quantiles to extract. From 0 to 1, step 1/quantiles.
  • precision – Number of decimals expected.

Matrix with the categories, one category per row, the start of the category in the first column and the end in the second category.


Estimates standard deviation based on a sample. The standard deviation is calculated using the “n-1” method.

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series.
Returns:The sample standard deviation.

Calculates the sample skewness of tss (calculated with the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient G1).

Parameters:tss – Expects an input array whose dimension zero is the length of the time series (all the same) and dimension one indicates the number of time series. NOTE: the time series should be sorted.
Returns:Array containing the skewness of each time series in tss.